This German Start-Up Will Cryogenically Freeze Your Body for $200K & Revive It in the Future

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A German startup, Tomorrow Bio, is offering a futuristic service that could turn the dream of immortality into a chilling reality—literally.

The company offers cryopreservation services, meaning they’ll freeze your body after death and, in the future, bring you back to life when technology advances enough to make that possible.

Tomorrow Bio is charging around $200K for full body preservation and approximately $80,000 USD for brain-only preservation.

In this process, the body is cooled to an eye-watering -198 degrees Celsius, entering a state called ‘biostasis.’ In this state, all biological processes stop indefinitely, effectively putting the person in suspended animation until a future revival.

According to Tomorrow Bio, even the cause of death can be treated in the future when the technology exists. The company’s ultimate goal is to create “a world where people can choose how long they want to live – independent of where they are, who they are, and their financial resources.”

So far, the company has preserved six people and five pets, with over 650 individuals who have paid for the service and are awaiting their turn for preservation. Fernando Azevedo Pinheir, the co-founder of Tomorrow Bio, said, “During our lifetime, we may witness the safe cryopreservation and reanimation of complex organisms.”

How Does the Cryopreservation Process Work?

Once death occurs, the cryopreservation process begins immediately. Tomorrow Bio has specialized ambulances stationed across various European cities to transport the bodies to their main facility in Switzerland.

Additionally, standby teams in Berlin, Amsterdam, and Zurich are always ready for the task. At the facility, the body is placed in an isolated steel container filled with liquid nitrogen, which is then maintained at -198 degrees Celsius for ten days to achieve the necessary preservation temperature.

Liquid nitrogen is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas with a boiling point of -196°C and a freezing point of -210°C, allowing for the preservation of the body in a state of deep cryogenic suspension.

Learn how liquid nitrogen is supporting the cryonics industry

As this bold venture into the future continues to unfold, Tomorrow Bio’s commitment to giving people the chance to “choose how long they want to live” is bound to raise many eyebrows and fuel debates on life, death, and what technology might one day make possible.

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