Sit-in called off, but movement to continue, says Mahrang – Pakistan

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GWADAR: Baloch Yakjehti Com­mittee lea­der Dr Mahrang Baloch has called for all Baloch people to unite, saying that they should remain committed to the national movement in the face of oppression, injustice, and the enforced disappearance of their loved ones.

Speaking at a large gathering at Fida Shaheed Chowk on Friday, after reaching Turbat from Gwadar, ending an 11-day-long sit-in in the port city, she said that the sit-in had ended but their movement had just begun.

In response, the Baloch people’s patience, courage, and national resistance had consistently shown that this was their homeland and its wealth belongs to the Baloch, she said.

She said that the strength of the Baloch people had become a historical testament against state power, demonstrating that sub-jugation, imprisonment, and force could not defeat the will of the Baloch people.

Dr Mahrang said the state should understand that the Baloch people would not surrender to oppression, violence, and enforced disappearances but would stand firm and raise their voices.

Sammi Deen Baloch, general secretary of the Voice for Baloch Mis­sing Persons (VBMP), also addre­s­s­­ed the gathering, noting that despite the crackdown and attempts to prevent the gathering in Gwadar throu­­gh violence, the Baloch people uni­ted to hold the Raji Muchi for 13 days in every area, demonstrating their national strength and resilience.

Published in Dawn, August 10th, 2024

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