People of the Indus: Portraits from a changing river – Pakistan

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On a journey from mountain to sea, The Third Pole meets people whose lives are intertwined with the nourishing, destructive and evolving Indus.

On its 3,100-kilometre course from the mountains of Tibet to the Arabian Sea, the mighty Indus River flows through foothills and plains, national parks, lands that have been denuded of their forests, fertile farmland and bustling towns. Along the way are dams and barrages, with large hydropower and irrigation projects affecting the natural flow of the river.

The Indus provides almost 90 per cent of the water for agriculture in Pakistan, but its waters can also take lives through floods. For the herders, farmers and fishers of the Indus basin, the river is a way of life, providing them with livelihoods and sustenance, yet it possesses the power to strip them of their homes, businesses and livestock with just one flood. They fear as well as revere the river.

Floods are an ever-looming threat in the Indus basin. Between 1950 and 2010, 21 major floods killed a total of 8,887 people, while immense floods in 2022 killed more than 1,700 and displaced nearly 8 million. The government estimated that an additional 8.4-9.1 million people would be pushed into poverty as a result.

The Third Pole travelled down the Indus, from the mountains of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in the north to the desolate villages of Sindh in the south, meeting people who depend on the river. We heard stories of a changing river and evolving relationships: many contend that engineering interventions like dams and barrages have transformed the Indus’ once free-flowing and predictable character, rendering it volatile and unforgiving. But almost nobody mentioned climate change, despite this being a key factor behind the unusually intense monsoon rains that caused the catastrophic 2022 floods.

The main locations visited by The Third Pole during its journey along the Indus River

climate change impacts are jeopardising the food security and livelihoods of local people, increasing poverty levels.

Muhammad Jan in front of the Apna Ghar, a home for destitute children, he set up in Skardu (Image: Alefia T Hussain)

“The people of this area are at the mercy of Indus. It hits the poorest the hardest,” says 57-year-old Muhammad Jan.

Muhammad Jan started supporting destitute children in 2002. More than two decades on, he houses 96 boys and 23 girls aged between 5 and 18 in homes called “Apna Ghar” — or “[our] own house” — in Khaplu and Skardu. “They are the children of shepherds or labourers or farmers living on slopes and terraces built along the Indus. They cannot afford one meal a day of roti [bread]. They do not own land and live in small one-room huts together with their animals and meagre belongings. They are at the mercy of nature.”

The Indus River at Skardu in Gilgit-Baltistan (Image: Hamid Hussain Skardu)

According to Muhammad Jan, the destruction caused when the Indus overflowed in 2010 was the worst in his memory, leading to many requests for admission to the Apna Ghar. Three brothers and one sister were admitted after their house was washed away by floodwaters in Balghar; they are all still studying, the eldest in college. He supported a girl whose father and three siblings died when their house collapsed as the Indus raged through Hoto village; she is now pursuing a degree in botany.

“I do not want them to live a troubled life because the Indus, in its various moods, has not been too kind to them,” says Muhammad Jan.

became operational in 2014. The village is also located 75 kilometres downstream of the under-construction 4,800 MW Diamer Bhasha dam, scheduled for completion in 2027, and 10 kilometres downstream of a 4,320 MW run-of-the-river dam being constructed at Dasu.

“Though we are surrounded by power projects, my village has power for only a couple of hours during the day. Our homes get electricity only at night,” says Haq. Most homes in Dubair are powered only by solar energy.

Haq explains that during construction of the Dubair hydropower project, local people willingly surrendered their agricultural land and even the village graveyard to developers to build infrastructure for the dam. They received what he considers to be “adequate compensation” for the land. However, many of these families then migrated to cities like Mansehra to establish new businesses there. As a result, he says, “the project has further impoverished the village”.

A view of the Indus as it winds its way downstream through the rugged mountains of Kohistan (Image: Hamzah Hashmi)

He hopes that when the Diamer Bhasha and Dasu dam projects are eventually completed, they will provide power to local villages and open up easy access to the rest of the country. “[I hope] more people come and inhabit Dubair, to liven up the markets.”

water level of the Indus fell. Meanwhile, fast-moving trucks on highways became the preferred mode of goods transportation. Bashiran Bibi’s family had to abandon trading along the river in the 1970s, as “the water became too shallow for our big boats, often 80 to 100 feet long.” Her family was forced to settle in Kot Addu in south Punjab, and take up fishing as their new profession.

Bashiran Bibi outside her home with baskets she has woven (Image: Alefia T Hussain)

A few minutes’ walk away from Bashiran Bibi’s house in the village of Basti Sheikhan — a dusty collection of mud huts and open courtyards — the Indus flows sleepily under the shadow of the Taunsa barrage. Fishing boats are tied up along the banks as children play in the muddy water.

Almost 40 years since Bashiran Bibi and her family resettled in Basti Sheikhan, they are still redefining their relationship with the Indus. “We had to learn to live in one place on land as opposed to being driven by the wind upstream and drifting with the flow of the water downstream,” she says.

Bashiran Bibi feels that the character of the Indus has changed tremendously since that time, “as if the free-flowing river has been tamed by dams and barrages”, which have cost her family their culture and identity.

The Indus at Kot Addu with the Taunsa barrage visible in the background (Image: Alefia T Hussain)

But Bashiran Bibi still believes in the power of the Indus as a river of life, and in Hazrat Khizr – who is described in Islamic and other traditions variously as an angel, a mystic, and a saint. He is also known as the guardian of the river. She sings:

“Oh my beloved, the boat is ready,

Come, let’s go together across the river,

God will help us!“

published on The Third Pole and has been reproduced here with permission.

Header image: For the fisherwomen of Sann in Sindh province, the Indus is the means of their livelihood, and the interruption in its flows due to the building of dams and barrages has had devastating consequences (Image: Alefia T Hussain)

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