Nuking a huge asteroid could save Earth, lab experiment suggests – World

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Humanity could use a nuclear bomb to deflect a massive, life-threatening asteroid hurtling towards Earth in the future, according to scientists who tested the theory in the laboratory by blasting X-rays at a marble-sized “mock asteroid”.

The biggest real-life test of our planetary defences was carried out in 2022, when Nasa’s fridge-sized DART spacecraft smashed into a 160-metre-wide
asteroid, successfully knocking it well off course. But for bigger asteroids, merely crashing spaceships into them will probably not do the trick.

When the roughly 10-kilometre-wide Chicxulub asteroid struck the Yucatan peninsula around 66 million years ago, it is believed to have plunged Earth into darkness, sent kilometres-high tsunamis rippling around the globe and killed three-quarters of all life — including wiping out the dinosaurs.

There is no current threat looming, but scientists have been working on how to stave off any big asteroids that could come our way in the future.

A leading theory has been to blow them up with a nuclear bomb — a last-ditch plan famously depicted in the 1998 sci-fi action movie “Armageddon”.
In the movie, Bruce Willis and a plucky team of drillers save Earth from an asteroid 1,000 kilometres wide — roughly the size of Texas.

For a proof-of-concept study published in the journal Nature Physics this week, a team of US scientists worked on a much smaller scale, taking aim at a mock asteroid just 12 millimetres wide.

To test whether the theory would work, they used what was billed as the world’s largest X-ray machine at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

The machine is capable of generating “the brightest flash of X-rays in the world using 80 trillion watts of electricity”, Sandia’s Nathan Moore, the lead study author, told AFP.

Much of the energy created by a nuclear explosion is in the form of X-rays.
Since there is no air in space, there would be no shockwave or fireball.
But the X-rays still pack a powerful punch.

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