Israeli intelligence accuses 190 Gaza UN staff of Hamas, Islamic Jihad roles – World

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An Israeli intelligence dossier that prompted a cascade of countries to halt funds for a UN Palestinian aid agency includes allegations that some staff took part in abductions and killings during the October 7 raid that sparked the Gaza fighting.

The six-page dossier, seen by Reuters, alleges that some 190 UNRWA employees, including teachers, have doubled as Hamas or Islamic Jihad members. It has names and pictures for 11 of them.

The Palestinians have accused Israel of falsifying information to tarnish UNRWA, which says it has fired some staffers and is investigating the allegations.

One of the 11 is a school counsellor accused in the Israeli dossier of providing unspecified assistance to his son in the abduction of a woman during the Hamas infiltration in which Israel says 1,200 people were killed and 253 kidnapped.

Another, a UNRWA social worker, is accused of unspecified involvement in the transfer to Gaza of a slain Israeli soldier’s corpse and of coordinating the movements of pick-up trucks used by the raiders and of weapons supplies.

A third Palestinian in the dossier is accused of taking part in a rampage in the Israeli border village Beeri, one-tenth of whose residents were killed. A fourth is accused of participating in an attack on Reim, a site both of an army base that was overrun and a rave where more than 360 revellers died.

The dossier was shown to Reuters by a source who could not be identified by name or nationality. The source said that it was compiled by Israeli intelligence and shared with the United States, which on Friday suspended funding for UNRWA.

Asked about the dossier, a spokesperson for UNRWA said she could not comment due to an ongoing probe by the United Nations.

More than 10 countries, including major donors the United States and Germany, have halted their funding to the agency.

Aid operation jeopardised

That is a huge problem for an agency that more than half of Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians look to for day-to-day assistance, and which has already been hard-stretched by Israel’s onslaught on Hamas in the enclave.

UNRWA said today it would not be able to continue operations in Gaza and across the region beyond the end of February if funding were not resumed.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency was set up for refugees of the 1948 war at Israel’s founding in what was British-ruled Palestine. It also tends to millions of the original refugees’ descendants in Palestinian territories and abroad. UNRWA employs 13,000 people in Gaza.

Israel has long accused UNRWA of perpetuating the conflict by discouraging the resettlement of refugees and has on occasion said agency staff took part in armed attacks against it.

UNRWA denies wrongdoing, describing its role as relief only.

“From intelligence information, documents and identity cards seized during the course of the fighting, it is now possible to flag around 190 Hamas and PIJ terrorist operatives who serve as UNRWA employees,” the Hebrew-language dossier says.

It accuses Hamas of “methodically and deliberately deploying its terrorist infrastructure in a wide range of UN facilities and assets”, including schools. Hamas denies that.

Two of the alleged Hamas operatives cited in the dossier are described as “eliminated”, or killed by Israeli forces. A 12th Palestinian whose name and picture are provided is said to have no factional membership and to have infiltrated Israel on Oct 7.

Also on the list of 12 men are a UNRWA teacher accused of arming himself with an anti-tank rocket, another teacher accused of filming a hostage and the manager of a shop in a UNRWA school accused of opening a war room for Islamic Jihad.

More than 26,000 people have been killed in Israel’s military campaign against Hamas in Gaza, the enclave’s health ministry said. With flows of aid like food and medicine just a trickle of pre-conflict levels, deaths from preventable diseases as well as the risk of famine are growing, aid workers say.

Most of Gaza’s people have become more reliant on UNRWA aid, including about 1m who have fled Israeli bombardments to shelter in its facilities.

“The terrorist organisations are cynically exploiting the residents of the strip and the international organisations whose mission is to provide aid … and in doing so are causing de facto harm to residents of the strip,” the dossier said.

At the weekend, UN head Antonio Guterres vowed to hold to account any employee involved in “abhorrent” acts but implored nations to keep funding UNRWA for humanitarian reasons.

“The tens of thousands of men and women who work for UNRWA, many in some of the most dangerous situations for humanitarian workers, should not be penalised,” he said. “The dire needs of the desperate populations they serve must be met.”

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