I will only marry a God-fearing man: Yashma Gill

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Actor and model Yashma Gill, 31, may be single for now, but she hasn’t ruled out marriage completely should the right man turn up. In a recent interview with PTV, Yashma explained that above all else, the man she ends up with needs to be God-fearing.

“He should have khof-e-khuda,” stated Yashma, for whom this is non-negotiable. In Yashma’s eyes, once someone has a fixed moral compass, everything else falls into place. “If he has good principles, good moral values and a fear of God, he will know how to take care of you and your emotions and be right to you.” 

Yashma laughed and recalled an incident where her mother, who has a somewhat different approach when going about securing a husband for her daughter, went to extreme lengths to fix Yashma up with a cousin four whole years younger.

“My mother wanted to give my house help the number of my best friend so that she (the best friend) could convince me to marry my cousin, who is just like a brother and four years younger than me!” exclaimed the Pyar Ke Sadqay actor in fits of hysteria. “She said I should for it because he’s a model and in the same field as me!”

Yashma, however, has no interest in hooking up with a model cousin four years younger.

“The poor guy probably has no idea!” she suddenly recalled. 

For Yashma, the search for the right man continues, and when he arrives, you can be sure that he will not be the cousin who is a model, and will be a non-relative male who will fit the moral compass she is looking for.

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