Don’t just survive, thrive

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Success is often paraded as a flashy bank account, a corner office, and the luxury of weekends spent in far-flung destinations. But let’s be real: that’s not success. That’s just an Instagram highlight reel masquerading as achievement. The real deal? Personal success – something that can’t be bought with a fat paycheck or a fancy job title. It’s earned through time and dedication, and more specifically, through the sacred art of a morning routine.

Before you spiral into despair thinking, “But I’m not dedicated at all!” take a deep breath. This morning routine isn’t some herculean task. Stick with it for a couple of weeks, and it’ll become as natural as your habit of hitting the snooze button (we’ll get to that in a minute). Let’s set some realistic expectations. It also isn’t a magical shield against bad days. You might follow this routine to the letter and still feel like crawling back into bed. That’s okay. The key is to push through even when you don’t feel like it.

You might be rolling your eyes right now, questioning why you even need a morning routine. After all, you’re doing just fine. But let’s pause on that word “fine” for a moment. You’re managing, sure, but managing is the bare minimum. Instead, you should be thriving. A morning routine isn’t just about getting things done. When you start your day by directing it rather than reacting to it, something fundamental shifts.

The night before

If you think your morning routine starts when your alarm goes off, think again. It begins the night before. Step one: Stop eating at least three hours before you go to bed. This isn’t just some health guru nonsense – your gut will thank you. A happy gut leads to better digestion, and better digestion means you’re not waking up feeling like a bloated balloon animal. Then, grab a piece of paper or your phone and list everything you need to accomplish the next day. If you’re an anxiety-prone perfectionist like moi, make that list as detailed as possible. There’s a strange comfort in micromanaging your own life down to the tiniest task.

Next, let’s talk skincare. Yes, everyone needs a skincare routine – no exceptions. The basics? Cleanse and moisturise. If you’re one of those skincare aficionados with a shelf full of Korean mucins and retinols, good for you. The rest of us will stick to the essentials and pretend we know what we’re doing.

Once you’ve slathered yourself with enough moisturiser to reflect sunlight, you’re good to go. Great skin isn’t just about vanity – it’s about confidence. And trust me, you’ll need every ounce of that confidence to get through the day. Now, on to electronics. I know, we’re all attached to our screens like they’re life support, but it’s time to cut the cord, at least at night. Blue light from your devices messes with your sleep, so switch to night mode if you must scroll through Instagram one last time. Better yet, toss the phone aside altogether and let your brain wind down naturally. And for the love of all that’s good, end your night with a glass of water. Hydration is key.

Rise and shine

It’s finally morning, and your alarm goes off. If you’re waking up to the sound of a blaring horn or a barking dog, stop it immediately. That’s a recipe for waking up with your heart rate through the roof. Opt for something gentler, like a marimba tune that gradually increases in volume. It’s like being coaxed out of sleep rather than yanked out by the hair. And do yourself a favour: never hit the snooze button. That slippery slope can turn a five-minute nap into a full-blown hour of lost productivity. Instead, set multiple alarms a few minutes apart. It helps if you imagine rising out of bed like Margot Robbie in Barbieland.

Kick off your morning just like you ended your night—hydrated. Down a glass of water, then head to the bathroom for round two of skincare. If you’ve got combination or dry skin, here’s a pro tip: only deep clean at night. That’s when your face is covered in the grime of the day. In the morning, a simple rinse will do. Stripping your skin of all its oils might sound like a good idea until you’re left with a dry, flaky mess. Moisturise and, for the love of future you, never skip sunscreen. Trust me, your older self will curse you if you do.

Next up: make your bed. It sounds trivial, but this small act of order sets a productive tone for the day. Then, grab your phone and fire up a meditation app. I know, meditation sounds like something for people who have way too much time on their hands but give it a shot. Otherwise, some light stretching. YouTube has more than enough options, ranging from “I can barely move” to “I might be a contortionist in disguise.” Still not convinced? Go for a crossword puzzle or a word search—anything to get those brain cells firing.

Fuel your day

If your schedule allows, fit in a workout before breakfast. Morning gym sessions are like rocket fuel, giving you an adrenaline boost that lasts all day. But don’t be that person who works out on an empty stomach. A banana, date, or energy bar will do the trick. Save the big breakfast for later, once you’ve crushed your workout. This isn’t just a meal; it’s your fuel for the day. You’ll need to do a bit of math to figure out the right balance of protein, fats, and carbs for your body type and goals. If math isn’t your strong suit and you haven’t thought about the value of X since school (I’m right there with you), there’s an app for that.

Oatmeal is a solid choice—add some berries for flavour and antioxidants. If berries aren’t in season, any fruit will do. I’ve experimented with everything from peaches to mangoes, and they all work like a charm. Not a fan of oatmeal? Greek yogurt with granola and fruit is another quick and healthy option. And if you’re in the mood for something savoury, eggs paired with greens and toast are hard to beat. Just swap out regular butter for almond butter— it’s slightly more expensive and harder to find but your energy levels and budding cholesterol will thank you.

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Life & Style
Don’t just survive, thrive

KARACHI: Success is often paraded as a flashy bank account, a corner office, and the luxury of weekends spent in far-flung destinations. But let’s be

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