US reiterates position on Durand Line – Pakistan

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WASHINGTON: The United States has stated that it supports the territorial integrity of both Afghanistan and Pakistan within internationally recognised borders.

The US State Depar­tment reiterated its position at a news briefing on Wednesday, commenting on recent Afghan Taliban claims disputing the Durand Line that divides Afgha­nistan and Pakistan.

“We support the territorial integrity of both Afghanistan and Pakistan within their internationally recognised borders,” said the department’s spokesperson, Matthew Miller. The United States recognises the Durand Line as an international border, as do other major world powers.

The US-based Foreign Policy magazine reported this week that the Afghan Taliban were stirring border tension with Pakistan through outlawed TTP.

The report noted that the TTP broke a ceasefire with the Pakistani government in November 2022 and has demanded the reversal of Fata merger.

An Afghan journalist referred to the article at the State Department brief­ing and asked, “What’s the US position on the Durand Line?” Mr Mil­ler said it was an internationally recognised border.

The Foreign Policy report, however, notes that in a recent statement, acting foreign minister Sher Mohammad Abbas Stani­kzai said that Kabul doesn’t recognise the Durand Line. The line runs through the tribal regions, which the report depicted as the hub of TTP activities.
Published in Dawn, February 23rd, 2024

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