Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur on Saturday announced that the PTI would stage a rally in Swabi on November 9, adding that his party was ready to “make the ultimate sacrifice”.
Addressing reporters in Rawalpindi, CM Gandapur issued a “final call” to the party’s supporters, saying that he was “tired of being peaceful” in the face of the state’s heavy-handedness.
“We will go out there and be ready to make the ultimate sacrifice,” Gandapur said. “Despite being peaceful, our workers are beaten and arrested. They are acquitted in court cases only to be re-arrested and charged with new offences. This is intolerable.”
“We will deliver a comprehensive briefing on this soon (Nov 9 rally),” he said. “Initially, we had planned a rally in Peshawar, but we have decided that we will host a gathering on the Swabi motorway. People from all over Pakistan are encouraged to attend.”
He added that once all the details get finalised he will “issue a final call” to all attendees. “
“Final call in this regard means that everyone should tell their families to prepare for the possibility that they might not return home,” Gandapur explained.
Despite being ominous with his remarks, he stressed that the PTI would remain peaceful. “We and our leader (Imran Khan) have been mistreated by the state despite us being peaceful. With the power of the people, we will come out and return home with our rights.”
Responding to questions, the chief minister said that the originally planned November 8 rally had not been cancelled, but that “the venue and date have been shifted”.
He called the upcoming rally a “jirga for all of Pakhtunkhwa” and added that after consultations, “a final schedule will be announced” about rally routes among other key details.
“Those attending from other parts of the country will join in and represent their areas,” he added.
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