10 cops suspended after ‘maltreatment’ of women protesters outside Karachi Press Club – Pakistan

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Ten police personnel were suspended on Monday for their “high-handedness and maltreatment” of women protesters at the Karachi Press Club (KPC) a day earlier, according to a police statement.

On Sunday, police clashed with protesters outside KPC for violating Section 144, which empowers district administrations to prohibit an assembly of four or more people in an area for a limited period.

The protesters had organised the “Sindh Rawadari March” to condemn the “extrajudicial” killing of Dr Shahnawaz Kunbhar, who was accused of sharing blasphemous posts on social media and was shot dead under mysterious circumstances during a gun battle with the police in Mirpurkhas on September 19. Following an inquiry into the killing, Sindh Home Minister Ziaul Hassan Lanjar had acknowledged that the police had “staged the encounter”.

At the same time, the religiopolitical party Tehreek-i-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP) had called a counter-protest at the KPC; however, police stopped them at Teen Talwar and near Capri cinema. Later, TLP protesters also ended up clashing with the police and Rangers.

TV and social media footage of the protest showed police performing baton charges on the demonstrators outside the KPC, including women.

Three different police orders issued today said the suspended personnel would continue to draw pay and allowances.

A statement from South Zone Police spokesperson confirmed that the deputy inspector of police has initiated disciplinary action against all personnel involved in the incident, including lady constables.

“A total of 10 officers have been immediately removed from their duties and sent to headquarters suspend company,” the statement read, adding that instructions for their parade and training were issued to the Station Police headquarters for a daily basis.

It said the City senior superintendent of police was directed to take departmental action against the suspended officers and ensure their punishment. The suspended officials were identified with the help of CCTV footage, and further identification is in progress, the statement said.

“Any kind of ill-treatment or violence against women and children, including the journalist community, will not be allowed.

“Inquiry and action is ongoing on the instructions of the Sindh inspector general of police. Sindh Police believes in the process of self-accountability. The training of police officials will be improved,” the statement said.

statement on X. She was referencing a video of a female protester being dragged by her hands and feet by female police officers outside KPC.

“Am told that TLP was advancing from the other side and the police were on hair-trigger alert after the recent attacks on foreigners and the advice to not protest until SCO is over, but still, the situation could have been handled differently.

“We are a democratic party and rights of citizens have to be protected and respected even if they were in violation of today’s 144,” the statement read.

“I have spoken on the phone from Islamabad to many who were mistreated and apologised, and appreciate their understanding. Because this is important. Many of us are sorry and ashamed. Will inform the leadership as well.”

PPP MNA Shazia Atta Marri said she was “deeply hurt” by Sunday’s events.

“The young girl could be any one of our daughters. Surely this was too high a price to pay for raising your voice for peace. Yes, 144 was imposed & yes it is important to maintain order but this was no way to disperse people,” she said.

Bakhtawar Bhutto-Zardari also expressed outrage at the police treatment of the protesters.

“We all condemn & we are all disgusted and ashamed of the violent treatment against peaceful protesters. Home minister has ensured probe & action will be taken against all those involved in such unprovoked, inexcusable & unjustifiable brutality,” she said in a statement on X.

Her statement was in response to a tweet about the detainment of and treatment meted out to musician Saif Samejo, who could be seen being manhandled by the police and had his clothes torn off.

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